Corporate governance of the Bigbank group

Corporate governance of the Bigbank group

Get acquainted with Bigbank group structure, Management and Supervisory board, financial results and more.

There's a lot to know about the Bigbank group

Bigbank AS was founded on 22nd of September, 1992 in Estonia. We obtained the license for operating as a credit institution on September 27th, 2005 with our core services being consumer loans, corporate loans and term deposits.
Bigbank has branches in Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden and Bulgaria, which all offer similar lending services. Latvian, Finnish and Swedish branches also offer deposit services. In addition, Bigbank AS provides cross-border deposit services in Germany, the Netherlands and Austria.


Bigbank AS

Bigbank AS Latvijas filiāle
Bigbank AS filialas
Bigbank AS Suomen sivuliike
Bigbank AS Sverige Filial
Bigbank AS - Branch Bulgaria
OÜ Rüütli Majad
OÜ Papiniidu Property
OÜ Pärnu mnt 153 Property
OÜ Rüütli Property
Balti Võlgade Sissenõudmise Keskus OÜ
AS Baltijas Izaugsmes Grupa

Management Board

Management Board is the main executive body in the corporate governance structure of Bigbank and responsible for the organisational and business management of the bank.

Image of Martin Länts
Martin Länts
Chairman of the Management Board
Image of Mart Veskimägi
Mart Veskimägi
Member of the Management Board
Image of Argo Kiltsmann
Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Image of Ken Kanarik
Ken Kanarik
Member of the Management Board
Image of Ingo Põder
Ingo Põder
Member of the Management Board

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board is a collegiate supervisory directing body, which sets the strategy and general action plans for the Bigbank and supervises the activities of the Management Board.

Sven Raba
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Vahur Voll
Member of the Supervisory Board
Andres Koern
Member of the Supervisory Board
Juhani Jaeger
Member of the Supervisory Board
Jaan Liitmäe
Member of the Supervisory Board
Alari Aho
Member of the Supervisory Board

Information on fulfilling the requirements established by Bigbank AS for management bodies, managers and their remuneration and for the internal control system is available in Bigbank AS’s financial results.

Main bank figures

Being a specialised bank means that Bigbank has the resources to get to know its clients better and address their needs more personally. This allows us to be quicker and more flexible than universal banks without compromising the quality of issued loans.


Total assets





Loan portfolio



Number of active customers






Financial reports

Consolidated quarterly interim reports and annual reports are published by Bigbank on the final working day of the second month following the end of the reporting period.